This is a study guide to the play All My Sons by Arthur Miller. The major theme of the play All My Sons is the conflict between self-interest and the wider responsibility that people owe to the society in which they live. This conflict is mostly enacted through the characters of Joe, Chris, and the now-dead Larry. Joe has put all his energies into making money and building up his business.
He was determined to keep his factory production line running, even when it caused the deaths of twenty-one pilots through faulty airplane parts. At the end of Act Two, when Chris realizes that Joe is responsible for the pilots’ deaths, Joe says he did it for the business: “What could I do! I’m in business, a man is in business; a hundred and twenty cracked, you’re out of business …”
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Author: Arthur Miller
Published: Feb 2010
Pages: 112 pages
ISBN#: 0141189975
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