Alec Bannon: A friend of Buck Mulligan, he is also referred to in Milly Bloom's letter to her father. He appears in the novel with Mulligan at the maternity hospital (in 'Oxen of the Sun' episode) and talks about Milly.
Bantam Lyons: Lyons assumes incorrectly that Bloom gives him a tip on the horse Throwaway for the Ascot Gold Cup. This mistake is one of the reasons that some of the men turn against Bloom in Barney Kierney's (in 'Cyclops).
Bella Cohen: Described as a 'whoremistress', she runs the brothel which Stephen and Bloom visit in 'Circe'.
Blazes Boylan: Boylan is organizing Molly Bloom's forthcoming singing tour and is conducting an affair with her.
Blind stripling: This character is helped across the road by Bloom in 'The Lestrygonians' and he can be heard and is referred to in 'The Sirens'.
Cissy Caffrey: A friend of Gerty MacDowell in 'Nausicaa', she is also involved in Stephen's fight with two soldiers, Carr and Compton, in 'Circe'.
Carr and Compton: These two privates become involved in a scuffle with Stephen in 'Circe'.
The citizen: This character verbally attacks Bloom in 'Cyclops' and goes on to throw a biscuit tin at him. He is a nationalist (in favor of reviving Irish games) and extremely anti-semitic.
Corny Kelleher: Corny works for an undertakers and helps Stephen a little in 'Circe' after Stephen has been hit by Private Carr.
Deasy: Deasy is the headmaster at the school where Stephen teaches. He is anti-semitic and pro-English.
Dilly Dedalus: This is one of Stephen's sisters. She explains to Stephen that she bought a French primer, and he advises her to keep it from Maggy (another sister) or it will get sold.
Father Conmee: Appears in 'Wandering Rocks' and is known to Stephen as the rector of Clongowes College.
Gerty MacDowell: In 'Nausicaa', she reveals her legs and underwear to Bloom whilst her friends watch fireworks. He masturbates whilst watching her.
Haines: Haines, an Oxford-based Englishman, is staying in the Martello tower with Stephen and Mulligan and appears most tellingly in 'Telemachus'
Henry Flower: This is the alias that Bloom uses when he writes to Martha.
Josie Breen (nee Josie Powell) : A former admirer of Bloom's, she is now married to the unfortunate Denis Breen who wants to sue for libel because he has received a card with the letters U.P. written on it. In 'Penelope', Molly reveals how she used to try to make Josie jealous. It is also clear that Molly is still slightly jealous of her.
Lenehan: He is most prominent for boasting about fondling Molly Bloom in a carriage whilst Bloom was discussing astronomy.
Leopold Bloom: One of the central characters, Bloom's day in Dublin (Bloomsday) is the pivot for the events. His characterization is loosely (and ironically) based on Odysseus (Ulysses) of The Odyssey. He is a canvasser for advertisements and is married to Molly. Together they have one daughter, Milly, and their son, Rudy, died after 11 days over 10 years ago.
Martha Clifford: Martha is the secret platonic lover of Bloom and they contact each other by letter only. She became known to him by responding to his advertisement for a 'lady typist'.
Menton: This character is a solicitor who Bloom encounters at Dignam's funeral. Menton takes offence when Bloom informs him of a dent in his hat. We learn that Menton still bears a grudge because Bloom beat him at bowls years ago.
Milly Bloom: The daughter of Bloom and Molly, she is aged 15 and is living in Mullingar. She has become friendly with Bannon who refers to as the 'photo girl'.
Molly Bloom : Molly is a singer and is the wife of Bloom. She is continually referred to in his interior monologues throughout the day as he tries to avoid thinking about her adulterous liaison with Blazes Boylan that afternoon. The final episode 'Penelope' is dedicated to her thoughts.
Mulvey: This is Molly's first love and her relationship with him is recounted in 'Penelope'.
Parnell: Parnell was an Irish nationalist who had an affair with Kitty O'Shea, and this led to his downfall.
Mr Power: He travels in the same carriage as Bloom as they travel to attend Dignam's funeral. He makes unwitting remarks about suicide, unaware of the suicide of Bloom's father, Rudolph.
Mrs Purefoy: Bloom visits the maternity hospital 'Oxen of the Sun' in order to see Mrs Purefoy.
Richie Goulding: He is the brother-in-law of Simon Dedalus and eats with Bloom in 'The Sirens'.
Rudolph Bloom: The father of Bloom who, we learn, committed suicide with an overdose.
Rudy Bloom: This is the son of Molly and Bloom and he only lived for eleven days. Both Bloom and Molly are depicted as thinking of him.
Mulligan: 'Buck' Mulligan, a medical student, is initially living in the Martello tower with Stephen and Haines. He is, as Stephen believes, a usurper who apparently gives Stephen the slip at the station, leaving Stephen without a key.
Paddy Dignam: The funeral of Dignam is one of the main events of the day and this is attended by Bloom, Simon Dedalus, Mr Power, Martin Cunningham etc.
Stephen Dedalus: Stephen is already known to readers of Joyce's autobiographical novel, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man as he is the central character of this work. He is also a main protagonist in this novel as his connection with Bloom draws on a parallel of a father-son relationship.
Simon Dedalus: The father of Stephen, he is described as still grieving for his wife and is also portrayed as feckless in the upbringing of his children. This point is made when his daughters are described as feeling hungry and are evidently poor, whilst he is drinking in the pubs. He is also defined by his strong singing voice and his sense of humour. Bloom sits with him in the carriage on the way to Dignam's funeral.
Zoe: She is a prostitute who works for Bella Cohen and welcomes Bloom into the house. She appears in 'Circe'.
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