I have no other but a woman’s reason; I think him so because I think him so.
Act 1, scene 2, lines 21-22
Julia’s waiting-woman Lucetta offers Julia her opinion of Proteus. She thinks he is the best of Julia’s suitors. -
Here is writ, ‘love-wounded Proteus’.Poor wounded name! my bosom, as a bed, Shall lodge thee.
Act 1, scene 2, lines 110-112
Julia speaks to herself as she finally allows herself to read Proteus’s letter in which he declares his love for her. For the first time, her heart is touched, and she begins to return his love. -
O, that our fathers would applaud our loves, To seal our happiness with their consents!
Act 1, scene 3, lines 48-49
Proteus knows that his father does not approve of his love for Julia and expresses the thought that life would be simpler if he did. -
What, gone without a word? Ay, so true love should do; it cannot speak; For truth hath better deeds than words to grace it.
Act 2, scene 2, lines 17-19
Proteus expresses his thoughts to himself just after he has said goodbye to Julia as he prepares to depart for Milan. He is correct in his observation about Julia’s true love; but later events suggest that Proteus is not in much of a position to make comments about true love. -
Didst thou but know the inly touch of love, Thou wouldst as soon go kindle fire with snow As seek to quench the fire of love with words.
Act 2, scene 7, lines 18-20
Julia speaks to Lucetta. Lucetta has just advised her not to visit Proteus in Milan, but Julia is so much in love that she cannot bear to wait until Proteus returns. -
My duty pricks me on to utter that Which else no worldly good should draw from me.
Act 3, scene 1, lines 8-9
Proteus speaks to the Duke of Milan. He is about to betray his friend Valentine to the Duke, and pretends that he is motivated by duty rather than a base desire to possess the woman that Valentine loves. -
Hope is a lover’s staff; walk hence with that, And manage it against despairing thoughts.
Act 3, scene 1, lines 248-249
Proteus gives advice to his friend Valentine (whom he has just betrayed) after Valentine is banished from Milan and has to live without Silvia, the lady he loves. -
One that I brought up of a puppy . . . I’ll be sworn, I have sat in the stocks for puddings he hath stolen, otherwise he had been executed.
Act 4, scene 4, lines 2-3, 30-32
Launce speaks about his dog, Crab, who has a habit of misbehaving. Launce is always ready to take the punishment for the misdeeds of his dog. -
O heaven, were man But constant, he were perfect!
Act 5, scene 4, lines 110-111
Proteus, who knows something about imperfection, speaks to Julia, finally acknowledging that she is the lady for him, not Silvia. -
I hold him for a fool that will endanger His body for a girl that loves him not.
Act 5, scene 4, lines 133-34
The foolish Thurio finally learns a bit of wisdom as he speaks to Valentine, renouncing his claim on Silvia. However, he may just be using this as an excuse because he is too frightened to fight Valentine over Silvia.
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